Significant Event in You Life Which Affected Who Your Are.(Commonapp)

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Waves of Hope December 26, 2004 a day forever embedded in my mind as well as in the minds of a million others. A rather ordinary day soon transformed to become a life changing experience which had a deep profound effect on me. I was ten years of age and having spent most of my life in Qatar with my family, I was finally on a plane back to my hometown in India for the annual winter break. I was overjoyed at the thought of meeting my cousins and grandparents after almost a year. Christmas day was wonderful as usual filled with celebrations and joy, but among all this happiness no one could have ever imagined in their worst of nightmares about the horror that was about to befall the world the next day. It was the day in which the world stood witness to one of the worst natural disasters in recent history “The Indian Ocean Tsunami “,which destroyed thousands of lives and affected the entire global community as a whole. At that time, I was a bit young to truly comprehend the magnitude of the events I had seen during those days, but they remain forever etched in my memory. As the years went by I started to analyze and think about the events I had witnessed and the impact it had on me and soon, realized that what truly impacted my mind was not the disaster itself, but it was to witness the lives of the people who had been affected by it. I used to accompany my uncle when he went to help distribute aid in the shelters and it was during that time, when I saw raw human suffering right in front of my eyes. Relatives desperately searching for loved ones, people whose houses were turned to rubble in the blink of an eye. But, among all this suffering I witnessed the true power of hope and faith. My sympathy soon turned into amazement and wonder when I saw the lives of people who were directly affected by the disaster. Despite losing so much, they never gave up hope and were
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