Addie Bundren In William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

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Good fathers are like a stanchion of the family unit– they are able to use their strength to support their children and their families through difficulties. They are solid and hardworking, and assume the role of the masculine leader within their family. Families that do not have strong men at their core often lack the guidance that is essential to their functioning dynamics. William Faulkner’s, As I Lay Dying, generates a family that is entirely faulted. After the mother, Addie Bundren, dies every member of the Bundren clan makes a contribution to their eventual collapse; however, Anse Bundren’s flaws are the underlying factor of every catastrophe which the family encounters. Following his wife’s death, he had the sole responsibility of holding his family together. Instead, he idly watched as his family fell apart, and took minimum preventative action. While William Faulkner never reveals the exact cause of Addie Bundren’s…show more content…
If he would have used some sort of intellect and compassion in understanding his children’s aching hearts, their emotional collapse could have been prevented. Anse never acted as a stanchion – he by no means showed love or compassion for anyone throughout the book, especially his luckless children. With his inability to take action and foresee situations, Anse’s blatant faults overtly parallel every disaster in the novel. Other characters in As I Lay Dying who were more rational and not part of the Bundren family (Peabody, Samson, Tull) all agreed on Anse’s ruinous and lazy character – “I notice how it takes a lazy man, a man that hates moving, to get set on moving once he does get started off, the same as when he was set on staying still, like it ain’t the moving he hates so much as the starting and the stopping”
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