Sign of Physical Abuse

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Physical abuse ‘This is when someone causes deliberately physical harm to a child. Such as injuries or other bodily harm’ ( Emotional abuse ‘ Anything that intentionally hurts the feelings of another person.’ ( emotionalabuseinrelationships.php Neglect abuse ‘This is when Children needs such as adequate food, water, shelter, warmth, protection and health care are constantly not being met. ‘ ( Physical indicator Physical indicator Physical indicator 1. Bruises on usual places on a child body such a on the child’s ear, buttocks, backs of legs and feet is a sign of physical abuse. 1. Blaming the child constantly for things that may not even be their fault, and threatening the child with physical pain. 1. Child is consistently dirty and has severe body odor 2.Continuous bite marks of adults tooth on a child arms, legs or shoulder is a sign of physical abuse. 2.Extreme Punishment children do need to be punished sometimes but not in an extreme way that would scare the child such as tying them up for example. 2. Child is frequently absent from school 3. If a child has many cigarette burns on different part of the body this is a sign of physical abuse 3. Not Showing Affection: Children need to be loved and cared for. When a parent purposely ignores the child, doesn't give them hugs and doesn't express their love, the child is going to feel like they are not wanted or loved. 3. Child is constantly hunger 4. When a child rib is pressed together deliberately and lead to a fractured rib this is a sign of physical abuse. 4. Verbal Abuse: Examples of verbal abuse include calling the child names like "stupid", "worthless", "a mistake" and more, and blaming the child constantly for things that may not even be their fault, and threatening the child with physical pain. 4.
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