Shrimp In Tank Culture

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Shrimp in Tank Culture IRSC Crustacean Culture (FAS 2150) Maximilian feurer Spring 2011 Abstract As a class our goal was to raise shrimp in an experimental fashion. We raised these 1200 shrimp in an RAS for 10 weeks. We had two tanks set at different salinities, one set at 9ppt and the other at 24ppt. We received these shrimp at around 0.5 gram/shrimp. At the end of the experiment the 9ppt tank ended up at 9.5g/shrimp and the 24ppt tank ended at 12.9g/shrimp. We tested the D.O., temperature, and salinity every morning. Introduction Shrimp are usually raised in ponds all over the world in as many as fifty countries. It started as early as the 1930’s but really took off in the 60 and 70’s. Shrimp production reached a global production rate of 2.5 million tons in 2005. About 75% of the world production of farmed shrimp comes from Asian countries. This project was undertaken for us students to more understand the life and what it takes to raise shrimp. It was a more hands on task for us rather than just getting lectures and hearing about raising them. We each got to come in and spend time learning what exactly it takes to raise them in a tank culture. Materials and methods There were two RAS set up in advance for this experiment. Each system had a tank, a swirl separator, aeration devices, a heater, belt feeders, and bio-filters. We set up aeration devices in case we had a system failure. The bio-filters we used were from a previous fish culture system. We used a D.O. meter every morning that we came in to do our readings for our water quality. A scale was used when we weighed our shrimp feed. We also placed the feed in a beaker when we weighted it. The feed would be placed on a belt feeder which was set on a 12 hour rotation. Our feed was kept refrigerated and in a plastic baggy to ensure it would not go bad. Every week before class we would use nets

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