Should Student Athletes Get Paid?

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Kedemah Howard May 31 2015 Should student athletes get paid? Imagine this; you wake up at six am to work out. Then at eight o’clock you have to go to class for an hour and a half. Two more classes following that, also an hour and a half long. After that you have to work out again for another three hours. Now that your day is done you have to work on the homework that has been given to you by your teacher that cuts no slack, given you had such a tiring day. It is a pretty busy day right? This is the life of a student athlete. Between school and your sport there aren’t enough hours in the day to work on scholarly duties like a normal student does. Being a student athlete is like having a part time job, which is why I believe that student athletes should be paid. Student athletes have a lot on their plate. They have to balance their studies along with their sport. Both require a great deal of commitment that must be given at an equal level. If a student athlete grades were to drop, they would be in danger of losing the scholarship that they work so hard, physically, in high school to receive. Without the scholarship the student athlete would have to pay thousands of dollars out of their pockets, in order to pay for school. They would have to get jobs, to pay back all of the student loans that they would have to pay back. A job would take up more time and the student athlete would have to become a regular student until their grade raise so their scholarship will be returned to them. If the athletes’ performance on the field begins to decline, they will also be in danger of losing their scholarship. Coaches put in a lot of time and money in their athletes, if an athlete fails to perform to the coaches’ standards the coach has the option of taking back the scholarship that was previously given to the athlete. To a coach athletics is a business, where they are

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