Should Recycling Be Federally Mandated?

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Recycling Recycling has become a slight dilemma in the world today. Some look at it as a way to save the planet, while others look at it as a waste of time and money. In the United States, the Local and State Governments are more depended on to deal with waste management, including recycling, than the U.S. government. It has been attempted to push legislation through Congress to authorize minimum national recycling rates, however, nothing has come out of the committee hearings. (Moss, Doug.(2010) “Should Recycling Be Federally Mandated?” Blue Ridge Outdoors, 2010 November 23.). Even though recycling can be an advantage environmentally and economically, the rate for recycling nationally has had very little increase since 2000, according…show more content…
According to the recycling coordinator for the Brazilian Aluminum Association, Henio De Nicola, 180,000 families in Brazil, "complement their salary or live off of the collection of tin cans." Brazil's National Movement of Recycled Material Collectors (MNCR) estimates that approximately over a million Brazilians are associated with recyclable material collections. Although Brazilians are motivated enough to recycle, the government can’t do much else to reinforce recycling. However, the Rio de Janeiro state legislature passed a law mandating that "all businesses that use plastic bottles and packaging in the sale of their products are responsible for the final environmentally responsible destination of said bottles and packaging." (Fox, Michael. (2010). CASH FOR Trash. Earth Island Journal, 25(1), 49. Retrieved from…show more content…
It maintains Earth’s natural resource and eliminates some of the waste that is buried or burnt. But perhaps the most important advantage of recycling is the amount of energy saved and the decline in greenhouse gases and pollution that result from scrap materials being substituted for virgin materials (The Truth about Recycling. (2007). Economist, 383(8532), 22. Retrieved from EBSCOhost). Recycling has been a well-appreciated virtue for several years. For centuries metals have been recycled and made into new weapons or tools. During the industrial revolution, people that recycle formed businesses and, eventually, trade associations, which dealt in the collection, trade and processing of metals and paper. In the 1930s, many people survived the Great Depression by trading scraps of metal, rags and other items. Reusing and recycling became very important necessities during the Great Depression. During World War II when scrap metal was often recycled to make weapons (The Truth about

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