Should Men And Women Serve In Separate Units Essay

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Men and Women in the Military Should Serve in Separate Units This has been a touchy subject for many years within the United States Military. We all hear equal rights this, and equal rights that, but when it comes down to it lives are at stake so this is an issue that cannot be taken lightly. Should men and women be made to serve in separate units while in the military? I will now argue my points on the subject while at the same time share twenty years of first-hand experience that I have from serving in the United States Army. As I stated above, this is a very touchy subject to cover. The world has become more geared towards equal rights over the years, and some women firmly believe they should be able to work right next to their male counterparts no matter what the task. If we’re talking about being in the same unit while working at a job that fits their…show more content…
This is something that has been proven time and time again within all of the Armed Forces. Another side of this is that most men will try and play the protector role when a woman is around. If she gets in danger, he is more likely to leave his place of duty to help her which can lead to a whole new set of problems such as endangering others and leaving his post unattended. This has also been proven over and over again in the military as well as in everyday life. Let’s take a look at another side of this for a moment. The biggest problem to face with all of this is having men and women living directly together. Let’s just say you have a couple women that are physically and mentally capable of working hand and hand with the men. What would we do about sleeping quarters? Will we have to go out of our way to make the women their own sleeping areas? Eating areas? Their own showers and restrooms as well? This would be just one more problem to deal with if it ever came to be a

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