Should Junk Food Be Banned

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Good afternoon Parents, I’d like to welcome you today to our health and nutrition forum. My name is Prof. Gourav Mongia and I am the leading researcher in the department of food and nutrition. Tonight we’ll be discussing the negative health effects that junk food ads have on the Australian public and why steps should be taken to imply stronger advertising restrictions. Tonight we’ll also look at the three stages that a human goes through in his or her life in which junk food acts heavily. We’ll also have a look at the reasons behind our ever growing obesity levels. The term “junk food” refers to any food that is high in calories, fat, salt, and sugar without bringing any nutritional value to the table. Unfortunately, this food is usually convenient, tasty, and extremely addictive. Well firstly let’s have a look at the three cycles. You see Junk food attacks every age group. Addiction to junk food starts of at a very young age. Children are most influenced from TV. Most companies selling junk food generally tend to target a lot of the younger generation with early morning television. These ads create a note in kid’s minds that they have to eat that food. University of Sydney researchers have found that advertisements for junk food that use competitions and give-aways are 18 times more common during the 20 most popular children's programs compared to popular adult programs. Persuasive marketing techniques were mostly used to advertise unhealthy foods, with over three unhealthy food advertisements every hour using premium offers during the most popular programs with children. By the time we reach young adulthood, we are probably getting a majority of our daily caloric intake from junk food. And yet still we are being bombarded with more ads about new flavours and drinks. This can easily be seen in the school canteens. A Coke from the canteen and a large

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