Should Honduras Adopt a One Shot Society?

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The most important day in South Korean’s lives is the day of high school graduates admissions test. However Honduran citizens may differ at a one hundred percent. The day of our exams nobody cares, everyone is concerned about their own business and we just prefer it that way. Why is it Honduran’s don’t care about it? Let me tell you that in first place we are not centered in education as we should. Korean’s just got one shot to A’s their test; we got our whole life to do that test. The question is, should we implement a one shot society into our system, limiting the number of students who got a real shot towards their future? Korean system indeed is effective for them; it practically guarantees them the leadership in education. Yes, society does push them to the limit, but isn’t this what we all want? To give our best every single day of our lives? I believe we should all push ourselves beyond our limits whether it is regarding sports, behavior, personal goals and more importantly education. An incredible 63% of Koreans aged 25-34 are college graduates according to an article in The Economist. On the other hand statistics according to Honduran Educational Investigation article a 7%of Hondurans attend college. Numbers don’t lie Honduran education level are alarming. If Honduras concentrates more on the education of rising college and university students who have the future of our country on their hands we wouldn’t be decreasing in positive statistics. The only numbers that are increasing in Honduras are the number of teen pregnancy , corruption and the price of gas. Every system has its flaws and unfortunately Korea’s educational system isn’t the exception. The Economist –mentioned before- claims that not only do Korean students live exhausted and frustrated; their suicide rate is alarmingly high, being 15 per 100,00 15-24 year olds, compared with the Americans

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