Shell Shock In Ww1

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Weaam Shawesh Final Assignment Source one is a letter to The Times newspaper written anonymously on November 23, 1916. It tells us about the physical and psychological impact of the war on soldiers on the Western front for more than two years. Physically, the soldiers were worn away, facing more dangerous threats as time passed. Psychologically, their energy and hope was worn out as tragedies built on top of each other day by day. They also suffered from shell shock which could take a lifetime to recover, majorly affecting their abilities. They suffered daily as their bravest and best were dying fighting, leaving behind only the most not useful and unwanted soldiers who chaff to go to France for a better life. The source is a form of complaint about their horrible conditions and danger that threatens their soldiers. This letter is written by a leader on the Western front to…show more content…
Shell shock was a term only associated with World War one due to the major impact it had throughout the war. It was specifically used in Britain to express a psychological breakdown for a soldier from stress and trauma and fear from battles and fighting. It was hard to cure them as people and doctors considered them to be cowards therefore refused to offer help. Some men only received help depending on their high class or rank in the community, while others were even put on trial and even executed for being ‘cowards’. Shell shock caused a lot of problems and casualties for the country and for the war. People who were victims of shell shock were most likely to feel panicked and scarred of flight and unable to sleep, walk or talk. At the beginning of World War II, the term "shell shock" was banned by the British Army, though the phrase "postconcussional syndrome" was used to describe similar traumatic responses. By December 1914 as many as 10% of British officers and 4% of enlisted men were suffering from "nervous and mental
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