Shc31 Essay

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Helen Goulding Unit Title: Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. Unit Number: SHC 31 1. Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting. 1.1 – Identify the different reasons people communicate. Communication is an important skill to have when working in a care setting. We have to be able to communicate with a variety of different people such as; children and young people, their parents/carers, colleagues and also professionals such as doctors and social workers. There are different reasons why we communicate in our work setting: 1. To stimulate relationships and offer support – for example a family in need would require regular visits from a social worker to build up a support system. 2. To maintain relationships – a trusting relationship will be built and maintained as the child’s key person gets to know the child itself and his/her family. 3. Exchanging Information – For example, when a patient visits their GP, the doctor will be told information about their symptoms. In turn, they will receive further information which will allow them to know more about their medical condition. 4. To negotiate with others – The setting manager will establish a working relationship with groups of parents, professionals and committees to discuss policies and procedures. 5. To express needs and feelings – Children must feel confident that adults will acknowledge them. The opportunity to express themselves freely helps gain this confidence. 1.2 – Explain how communication affects relationships in the work force. Having the skill of communication enables us to give support to other people/ colleagues and also to get the same in return. A positive working environment is created when working alongside other practitioners who I like and respect and who I know will support
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