Sexual Assault In College

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Ashley Wright Classical Argument Sexual Assault In Colleges Research shows that sexual assault on college campuses is surprisingly common and rising. Some surveys suggest that one in four women who attend a college or university will experience some form of sexual assault. While women are most often claimed to be the only victims of sexual assault, men are also targeted and experience some sort of sexual violation in various forms. Sexual assault can be defined as illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent (as because of age or physical or mental incapacity) or who places the assailant (as a doctor) in a position of trust or authority.…show more content…
Some of these include the disputes that sexual assault is a rare incident, sexual assaults are committed only by strangers, and offenders of sexual assault are always abnormal or insane. These myths have been shown to have little bearing on the actual happenings of sexual assault. As many studies on sexual assault have shown, forms of sexual violation are not rare occurrences, but rather happen regularly, particularly on university and college campuses. Sexual assault has been shown to occur most commonly between acquaintances, friends, spouses, and family members. Despite what the myth of stranger rape dictates, initiators of sexual assault are often personally connected to victims. Many myths specifically surround male-perpetrated sexual assault against women. Such statements include that women often lie about sexual assault and that women's choices of clothing, ways of walking, and habitats are reasons for their assault. There are also several myths about males' experiences of female committed sexual assault. It is often assumed that the offenders of sexual aggression against males are male, which is not always the case. Females can and do rape males. But, the majority of rapes are male…show more content…
For instance, the majority of sexual, and sometimes violent, imagery of women in the media has been suggested to play a role in increasing rates of sexual assault. The frequency of images of male aggression and female sexuality in the media has been seen as another potential cause of sexual assault. These cultural explanations have been proposed to add to the effects of the issues. In the past 30 years, the awareness of sexual assault has grown. Research specifically directed toward sexual assault on university and college campuses has increased, and the public has been more informed on the issue. As a result, more pressure is being placed on universities and colleges to provide resources for victims who have experienced sexual assault. A lot of campuses have established sexual assault centers that focus on providing information and counseling services. While these efforts show improvements to campus life, there is more work to be
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