Sex Trafficking Statistics

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Carly Shepherd Soci 340 9 December 2009 Statistics of Human Trafficking in the United States Introduction to Human Trafficking According to the Academy for Educational Development (2006): “The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, enhances pre-existing criminal penalties, affords new protections to trafficking victims and makes available certain benefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking. It also establishes a Cabinet-level federal interagency task force and establishes a federal program to provide services to trafficking victims.” This, along with the Human Trafficking and the Child Protection Compact Act of 2009 are the two main pieces of legislation in use today in order to combat the…show more content…
This is why sex trafficking is a huge segment of all women and children trafficked. Unfortunately, sex businesses thrive in all different types of areas and some are actually legal but many are secret and hidden behind or in other businesses. Street prostitution, brothels, escort services, and massage parlors are all different ways that women are exploited for sexual favors. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, around 83percent of the reported human trafficking incidents involved allegations of sex trafficking. Labor trafficking accounted for 12 percent of incidents, and other or unknown forms of human trafficking made up the remaining five percent; about a third of these incidents involved sex trafficking of children (January 2009). A shocking 92 percent of women involved in sex trafficking activities used drugs and alcohol to cope with their experiences and a half of those women didn’t use drugs or alcohol until they entered the sex industry (Raymond and Hughes, 12). 43 percent of U.S. women tried to leave the sex industry, but 27 percent of those women said that it was hard to leave because of drug addictions, economic necessity, and pimps that beat or threatened them and their…show more content…
People that are targeted are usually are trafficked and exploited through force, coercion, deception, intimidation, feigned love, isolation, and also threats in order to provide a profit for their captor; it’s a terribly sad thing that human beings could do this to one another. Fortunately the fight against human trafficking is in full force and there are many organizations that offer help and guidance on human trafficking to anyone that might be involved or interested in learning

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