Separation Of Powers Of The Federal Government

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It is not necessary to expand the powers of the executive branch of the federal government to respond to the current strategic environment. The Founding Fathers envisioned a government with both balance and separation of powers. Expanding the power of the executive branch of the federal government, at the expense of the other branches, could lead to the abuse of power, as suggested in the Federalists Papers. The Constitution of the United States was written at the Federal Convention in 1787 and adopted in 1788. It divides the federal government into three main branches: the bi-cameral legislative branch, comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate, holds the responsibility as the main law maker. The judicial branch, comprised of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, is responsible for the adjudication of cases under federal law (1804). The executive branch executes and enforces federal law. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton understood the importance of balancing the separation of powers; as well as the necessity of strengthening each branch of the government, including the strengthening of the executive branch if necessary for the sake of national security. James Madison wrote in Federalist 51, “The…show more content…
The constitutional and federal law grants the executive branch all the power necessary to meet current and future challenges. The strength of the executive branch is leveraged against the strengths of the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government to ensure the equilibrium of power. It is this constitutional design that the Founding Fathers envisioned would protect the government from tyrannical rule in 1787, and is the same design that will continue to protect the United States throughout the complex challenges of the current strategic environment of the 21st century and
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