Selfishness in the Birling Family

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VERULAM SCHOOL ENGLISH FACULTY ENGLISH LITERATURE GCSE AN INSPECTOR CALLS EXAMPLE ANSWERS IMPORTANT INFORMATION There will be a choice of two questions on An Inspector Calls (questions 17 and 18 on the exam paper). You have 45 minutes to answer one of these questions. Your answer will be assessed for AO1 (interpretation) and AO2 (analysis). According to the mark-scheme, a top band response will show:-an insightful understanding of the task and the text Does your answer actually answer the exam question? -close analysis of detail to support opinions Have you based your answer on specific examples from the text? -analysis of the writer’s use of language and its effect on the audience Have you written in PEE paragraphs? Do you use literary terms? Do you comment on Priestley’s intentions? Do you comment on the effect on the audience? -a convincing interpretation of the ideas and themes in the play Do you understand how the examples you’ve used fit in with the bigger themes and issues in the play? Exam questions will assess your knowledge of characters or their relationships, themes and issues in the text or will ask you to focus on a particular moment and comment on how it fits with the rest of the play. Read the student answers below and, using the mark-scheme, work out what their strengths and weaknesses are. How could they be improved? Question 17 How does Priestley show that tension is at the heart of the Birling family? (30 marks) Question 18 Priestley criticises the selfishness of people like the Birlings. What methods does he use to present this selfishness? (30 marks) MARK-SCHEME Band 6 26-30 marks Candidates demonstrate: 6.1 Insightful exploratory response to task 6.2 Insightful exploratory response to text 6.3 Close analysis of detail to support interpretation 6.4 Evaluation of the writer’s uses of language and/or structure and/or form and effects on

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