Reflective Statement Essay

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Based on our reading and discussion of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis and other information related to Kafka, you must type up a reflective statement of 300 to 400 words on the following question: How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? BE SURE TO INCLUDE A PROPER HEADING INFORMATION: Your Name, Class, My Name, Date, Title of statement See below for more information about reflective statement and the interactive oral discussion questions: The Reflective Statement The reflective statement is a short writing exercises and should be completed as soon as possible following the interactive oral. Each student is asked to provide a reflection on each of the interactive orals. The reflective statement on the same work as the student's final assignment is submitted for assessment. The reflective statement must be based on the following question. How was your understanding of cultural and contextual consideration of the work developed through the interactive oral? Formal Requirements: Length – 300-400 words. If the limit is exceeded, assessment will be based on the first 400 words. Submission – The reflective statement about the work used in the student's final assignment (essay) is submitted together with the assignment. Assessment – The reflective statement is awarded a mark out of 3 using assessment criterion A. Administration – All reflective statements must be kept on file at the school. Interactive oral questions: The discussions should address the following cultural and contextual considerations: In what ways do time and place matter to this work? What was easy to understand and what was difficult in relation to social and cultural context and issues? What connections did you find between issues in the work and your own culture(s) and

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