Self-Assessment 2-1: What Is Your Primary Cultural Background?

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Leadership Assessment Leadership final project Leadership Assessment Leadership final project Self-Assessment 2-1: What Is Your Primary Cultural Background? (Muhammad Eissa) Identify the culture that you consider to be your primary cultural background (recognizing that you may be multiple backgrounds). 1. What do you think makes that culture unique? Because Culture is a set of norms, values, and assumptions that involuntary guides the behavior of each and every one of us. It’s something like a special blend or mix between all what you learn and gain for the life time, resulting in a very unique blend that involuntary control the general behavior and reactions of everyone. I’m a muslim eastern man… 2. What are some…show more content…
(Ahmed Mohamed) For each of the following items, please use the scale below to indicate your answer. | Questions | Response | 1 | I know a lot about my own culture | 1 2 3 4 | 2 | I don't think much about how my culture impacts me. | 1 2 3 4 | 3 | I can tell how my cultural background influences how I think and what I do | 1 2 3 4 | 4 | I enjoy asking people about their culture | 1 2 3 4 | 5 | I seek out various cultural experiences any chance I can (e.g., food, travel, festivals, music) | 1 2 3 4 | 6 | I know a lot about how cultural differences affect the thinking and behavior of those I work with | 1 2 3 4 | 7 | I like sharing my culture and its customs and beliefs with those who don 'know it | 1 2 3 4 | 8 | I often include culture as one of the factors I consider when I think about solving problems either in my personal or professional life | 1 2 3 4 | 9 | I'm comfortable with people who are from different cultures | 1 2 3 4 | 10 | When people around me speak a different language, it often makes me uncomfortable | 1 2 3 4 | 11 | I think people are the same deep down, no matter where they are from | 1 2 3 4…show more content…
A | B | 1 | Making a lot of money is largely a matter of getting the right breaks. | Promotions are earned through hard work and persistence. | ------------------------------------------------- B | 2 | I have noticed a direct connection between how hard I study and the grade I get. | Many times the reactions of teachers seem haphazard to me. | ------------------------------------------------- A | 3 | The number of divorces indicates that more and more people are not trying to make their marriages work | Marriage is largely a gamble. | ------------------------------------------------- A | 4 | It is silly to think that one can really change another person's basic attitudes. | When I am right I can convince others. | ------------------------------------------------- B | 5 | Getting promoted is really a matter of being a little luckier than the next person. | In our society a person's future earning power depends on his or her ability. | ------------------------------------------------- A

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