Scotlandville Case Study

1974 Words8 Pages
Scotlandville community is bounded to the west by the Illinois Central Railroad (now Canadian National) and the Kansas City Southern Railroad on the east, Central Road to the north and Harding Boulevard to the south. The larger Scotlandville community got its name from Scott Plantation and Scott’s Bluffs. It was these bluffs rising out of the Mississippi River that attracted the first Spanish settlers to what is now Baton Rouge. Southern University, which sits on these bluffs, was established in 1880 in New Orleans and moved to Baton Rouge in 1914. Although the town of Scotlandville was well established long before Southern University moved to the bluffs, you cannot describe one without including the other. The addition of Southern University to the community was not a smooth transition. Subdivisions within Scotlandville began developing to support the growing population associated with Southern University, however the once…show more content…
Records show it was established in 1950 and incorporated in Louisiana. Current estimates show this company have an annual revenue of less than $500,000 and employs a staff of approximately 1 to 4. Harding Elementary, Progress Elementary, Scotlandville Elementary, Elm Grove Elementary and Scotlandville High Schools were established to cover the growing population in the area. Scotlandville - Scotlandville Sub-Station was built in 1974, to service the northern portion of the parish, which covers roughly 75 square miles (190 km2). The boundaries are from Plank Road to the east, the Mississippi River to the west, Florida Boulevard to the south, and the East Feliciana parish line to the north. The Sub-Station is also located in the heart of Scotlandville. Elks P B S Pinchback Lodge No 377, was a private company catergorized under Elks Lodges. Records show it was established in 1976 and incorporated in
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