Scarlet Letter Symbolism

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The most important symbol which is carried in The Scarlet Letter is certainly the letter A. In the beginning of the story it symbolizes the act of adultery, but by the end of the tale the A has a variety of meanings. The letter appears in many other places other than the chest of Hester Prynne. For example: while Dimmesdale is standing on the scaffold he sees a bright red letter A in the sky. One of the most significant A's is one the townspeople see on Dimmesdale's chest at the end of the novel. The letter A has a variety of meanings in the story, as well; it has a different meaning for each character. The community sees the letter as mark of righteous punishment. Hester acknowledges the A as a symbol of humiliation. Dimmesdale sees the letter as a reminder of his guilt. Chillingworth sees it as a pursuit to find Hester’s lover for revenge. Pearl is very curious of the letter and thinks of it as a mystery. The A also is believed by the common people to stand for Angel when it flies through the sky on the night the of Governor’s death. The symbolism in The Scarlet Letter shows the author's ability to put meaning behind his work. It also displays the pride he takes in this novel. Nathaniel Hawthorne's use of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter shows his greatness to produce a story of the highest
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