Sc121 Unit 2 Assignment

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Assessment Report for Mr. Brown LaMont Barre Duncain College Assessment Report for Mr. Brown Good morning Mr. Brown. My name is LaMont. I am a physician’s assistant and I will be discussing the results of your recent cholesterol panel. During this appointment we will be reviewing the significance of your results as it directly relates to your heart as well as, formulating a plan of care to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Before we begin, are there any specific questions that you have about cholesterol and how it can affect your health? Hello, good morning LaMont. Yes, I do have questions about cholesterol. What is it exactly and why is it important for you to monitor my cholesterol levels? That is a very good question Mr. Brown. I will start at the beginning and explain what cholesterol is so that you can have a clear understanding. Then we will review the results of your recent blood tests and I can clarify why it is important to monitor your cholesterol levels. Lastly, we will discuss a plan of care that will provide you with options on how best to manage your cholesterol levels including any lifestyle changes that can assist you in achieving optimal health. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is made in your body or can enter your body through the food that you eat. Your body, and especially your liver, has the capability to make all the cholesterol that you need and circulates it through the blood. However, we get extra cholesterol from foods that come from animal sources, such as meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products (, 2015). The more foods that you eat that are high in fat, the more that your liver produces cholesterol. Your body cannot dissolve cholesterol and in order to move it through your bloodstream it uses carriers that are made of fat and protein. These carriers are called low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, and
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