Satire On Bullying

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Someone Had to Say It Self esteem crushed, day ruined, all because someone thought they were funny. [2] Bullying outside of school and throughout the rest of the world is a real issue that nobody seems to be showing any concern towards. People gather everyday to be bullies and bystanders just because it would seem inhumane for them to be doing anything else with their day. Bullies are people with no respect towards others, and are not taking into consideration that what they are doing is going to affect their victims for the rest of their lives. [3] Bullying needs to be stopped, but not just at school. All over the world bullying takes place and absolutely nothing is being done for those without a voice because nobody wants to get involved…show more content…
Everyday people stand by and stare as an innocent person is picked apart by the harsh words or tainted comments that are thrown at them by this so called “bully”. Although we wish we could do something we feel weak and think that leaving and not looking back will stop making us feel guilty. This is not true as the person’s suffering continues making them feel more alone than ever before. They watched their only chance walk away with no remorse or consideration of what’s really going on or how they feel. Whether they are being physically, emotionally or sexually abused you’re still responsible for doing nothing about it. If you’ve ever been one of the few to stand up to a bully, congratulations. If you’re one of the many to walk away from someone being bullied you might as well have been the bully in the first…show more content…
They say you are going to be ridiculed and torn apart today, and there is nothing they could do about it, but they hope you make the best of it and enjoy your day. Now picture this, you’re the one causing this kind of devastation for kids every time they go to work. This might be their first job and would be awful having to spend a 5-10 hour shift with someone like you. You could make them uneasy about wanting to go to work or pursuing a job career anywhere because there are people like you, to make it much harder than it needs to be. The workplace should be a safe “bully free” environment, where you go to make money and gain the work experience you need to get to the next step in your career. [4] It should not be a training ground for work Nazis that pick on anyone smaller than

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