Samuri Dbq Essay

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Samurais are mostly known for the honor that they have for their country and themselves. This is honor evident in their peaceful ideals, prejudice outlooks, and combat lifestyle for samurais between the thirteenth century and the sixteenth century. The way of a samurai can be peaceful which is exhibited mostly in Document 2 when Dogon said, “...avoid evil, do nothing about life-and-death, be merciful to all sentient things, respect superiors and sympathize with inferiors...” Dogon’s point of view is the most peaceful most likely because of his belief in Zen Buddhism which evidently influence his ideals. In Document 3 Hojo Shigetoki demonstrated peaceful ideals when he stated, “ not make the obvious distinction between good and not-good... give the same treatment to all, and thus you will get the best out of the worst.” With this it shows how much honor the samurais took in not just themselves but other people and they way of which everyone was treated. Document 7 continues the theme of peaceful ideals when it states, “In their hearts, they are compassionate and circumspect.” The peaceful ideals are a testament to the way of life filled with honor that the samurais lived. Although the samurais did have peaceful ideals there was evidence of prejudice ideals as well. Document 5 tells the tale of prejudice against women, this comes through when the general states, “How ashamed I would be if people said that Yoshinaka was accompanied by a woman in his last fight.” Instead of taking the help that woman could give him, Yoshinaka found it more honorable to die in his last fight without her; this clearly demonstrates prejudice honor. Document 6 mentions that; “...they look down on all foreigners...” This tells the reader that samurais found pride within themselves as the best possible people out there, but the point of view of this document is from a foreigner, St.

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