Sample Descriptive Essay

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Prospect Mountain Located in Woodford, Vermont, next to the Greenwood Lodge Campsite is Prospect Mountain, a Nordic cross-country ski area that has the highest elevated base lodge in New England, with an elevation of 2,150 feet above sea level. The nearby town of Bennington, which is only eight miles away, has an elevation of 1,500 feet above sea level. Prospect has a history that goes back more than 75 years and has had seven owners over the period. The seventh and current owners, Steve Whitham and Andrea Amodio, turned the ski area to strictly cross-country trails after prior owners had financial hardships operating it as alpine. It is now the home of many college cross-country ski-racing teams, the Mount Anthony Union High School Nordic team, as well as being open to the public for skiing and snowshoeing. The ski area is open as long as the weather cooperates, and there is enough snow for grooming. Prospect often receives more snow than Bennington due to its higher elevation. The trails, which are of natural snow, are groomed everyday and operates without expensive snow making machinery. There is more than 50 kilometers of trails, which is mostly on gradually sloping lands. As a skier continues further into the trails, they cross onto the property of the Green Mountain National Forest. The national forest is popular for wildlife, and it would not be a surprise if a skier caught an eye on a deer, moose, beaver and more. The higher you go up the mountain, the more scenic it gets and you get a better view of the base lodge and the town of Bennington. The most captivating part of Prospect is the way it appears when you first look at it. Most people have described the property as looking like the “Wild West”. With a long, wide driveway and parking lot, the buildings look well constructed and rustic, and are proportionally located on the base level

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