Safeguarding In Child Care

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Safeguarding (Complex) In accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Guidelines (NMC) , no disclosing information will be used. For the purpose of this scenario, the child will be called Jack. (NMC 2008) It is important to know, there never been any issues with Jacks care, and there are no concerns regarding his mother. Jacks father is a convicted paedophile, recently released from prison. He is not allowed to reside within the family home. He wishes to have contact with his son, which is being facilitated. The concern is that Jacks mother does not accept his father’s guilt. Therefore she could be exposing Jack to potential danger by not recognising the issues. Jack is a happy health, lively and inquisitive child, all growth and development…show more content…
(1) Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfCSF, 2010) sets out guidelines for organisations and individuals to work together and safeguard children to promote their welfare in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004 (DoH 2010). The mother still does not accept the father’s guilt, even though he was convicted and served sentence for offences to teenage girls. The main cause of concern is, If she doesn’t see his guilt, how can she safeguard her child? The mother is concerned that Jacks father is missing out on him growing up, and is keen for him to have contact more often. Regardless of his crimes, she believes he is a good father. Hall (2003) highlights the negative impact imprisonment has on the relationship between parent and child if separated due to periods of incarceration. Currently they are waiting for the father’s parents to have all their check, so Jack can be left with them, and they can supervise…show more content…
Clark C. Waterhouse L (2005) The Role of the Social Worker in the 21st Century - A Literature Review. Accessed online 10/11/12 The Children Act., 1989. London: HMSO. <> Accessed 16/10/2012 Department for Children, Schools and families,. 2010. Working Together to Safeguard Children. A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. DfCSF. London Goodman S., Tully E. Connell M.; Hartman C., Huh M. (2011). Measuring children's perceptions of their mother's depression: The Children’s Perceptions of Others’ Depression Scale–Mother Version Journal of Family Psychology, 2011, 25, 2, 163-173, American Psychological Association Hall, D. and Elliman, D. (2003) Health for all children. 4th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press Munro E. (2011) The Munro Review of Child Protection: Final Report: A child-centered system Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2008) Code of Professional Conduct: standards of conduct, performance and ethics. London: NMC. NSPCC (2011) Smart Cuts? Public spending on children’s social care

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