Safeguarding Essay

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Unit 333 Safeguarding Outcome 1 Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. The Current legislations, guidelines policies and procedures in the UK affecting the the Safeguarding of children and young people. The Children Act 1989 introduced in England and Wales to ensure the welfare of children is paramount, Identifying parents and people who work with children to ensure the safety of children at all times. This includes the balance of protecting children and the rights of parents, encourage a partnership between authorities and parents, restructure the frame work of courts for family proceedings and re define the concept of parents responsibility. The Every Child matters guidelines which lead to The Children Act 2004 over all there was 108 points raised and the main are. There should me a much closer relationship between agencies, this information should be shared on one main date base and there should be a independent children's commissioner for England to protect children rights. The should also be a children and family members board chaired by government ministers and Ofsted will set a framework to monitor children services. The Children Act 2004 made these recommendations legal requirements, in response to this documents such as Working Together and Safeguard children set out how individuals and organisations should work together to safe guard children including children boards (LSCS's) were set up through local authorities. With these Two in mind you still have to consider Childrens right when safeguarding under The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child (1989) (UNCRC). UNCRC is a international human rights treaty this gives all children under the age of 18 the right to be treat as equals including civil,cultural, economical, social and
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