Safeguard the Well-Being of Children

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JOHANNE BISSELL ASSIGNMENT 311 TASK D All staff play an important role in protecting children. The general ethos being that all children should feel safe, are listened to and treated with respect. It is very important to learn the signs, symptoms and indicators of possible abuse so that actions can be taken to ultimately stop the abuse from taking place. Having a good knowledge of children’s expected development and behaviour is key, since you will then be more likely to spot sudden changes. Physical Abuse Possible Physical Indicators * Burns and scalds, including cigarette burns caused by lengthy exposure to heat * Human bite marks * Lack of normal use of limbs and swelling * Conflicting and inconsistent explanations of injuries * Untreated injuries * Serious injury with no explanation * Constant illness (could be fabricated or deliberately induced by parent or guardian The common Non-Accidental injury sites are * Back of legs and buttocks * Skull – fracture / bruising / bleeding under skull * Mouth, cheeks, behind the ears - bruising / finger marks * Neck, stomach, chest, upper and inner arm - grasp marks and bruising * Genital / rectal area - bruising * Bi-lateral injuries - two black eyes Possible behavioural indicators * Unusual fear of adults * Unnaturally compliant * Fear of medical attention and refusal to discuss injuries * Shy away from physical contact * Aggression to others * Cover-up clothing worn * Any behaviour that is not consistent with childs age or development stage 1 of 3 JOHANNE BISSELL Neglect Possible Physical Indicators * Poor – personal hygiene, skin and hair * Poor – growth pattern, emaciation, pot belly, short stature * Failure to thrive * Untreated medical problems Possible Behavioural Indicators
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