Safe Motherhood Essay

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The applicability of the global safe motherhood initiative and the MDG-5 to developing world context Magdalena Ohaja (AIRC 2012) Name: Magdalena OhajaA registered midwife and nurse with MSc. in Midwifery Education. Currently, a Clinical Midwife Tutor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD. I have a particular interest in maternal health. For my PhD which is ongoing, I am exploring the concept of safe motherhood as experienced and understood by women, midwives, and traditional birth attendants in Southeast Nigeria. Abstract Background and context: The current global estimates for maternal deaths (MDs) by the World Health Organisation indicate that approximately 350,000 women die each year. Whilst 99% of cases occur in poorly-resourced countries, 10% take place in Nigeria alone. The global safe motherhood initiative (SMI), launched in 1987 by the UN agencies, aimed to reduce the number of pregnancy-related deaths by half by the year 2000. The number at that time was 529,000. Given the limited progress, safe motherhood (SM) was reassessed at the Millennium Development Summit in 2000. The Millennium Development Goal-5 (MDG-5) was dedicated to maternal health with emphasis on reduction of MDs by 75% from its 1990 figure, to be achieved by 2015. Aim of presentation: To highlight the complexities surrounding SM in Nigeria base on on-going study exploring women's, midwives' and traditional birth attendants' experiences and understanding. Key Issues: Despite the decrease in global MDs from 535,900 in 2005 to 350,000 in 2008, increases in MMR have been recorded in Nigeria from 473/100,000 in 1990 to 608/100,000 (n=50,000) in 2008, indicating that the 2015 target will not be met. The impact of social structures is critically important. Lack of women's empowerment, limited literacy skills, and poverty are some of the pertinent issues. Conclusion and implications:

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