Rtt Task 1

535 Words3 Pages
Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Western Governors University

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
A. Nursing-Sensitive Indicators
Understanding of the nursing sensitive indicators is important in the practice of nursing. Nursing sensitive indicators reflect the structure, the process, and outcome of nursing care. The structure of nursing includes many factors. These factors include education of nursing staff, number of nurses available, and skill of the staff to care for the patients. I believe there are many nursing sensitive factors that could interfere with the care provided for Mr. J. The first I would like to discuss is the use of restraints on a 72-year-old with dementia. The use of pain medications can also affect the patient’s cognitive ability. The use of restraints place patients at risk for skin breakdown. Skin breakdown can be prevented by turning Mr. J every 2 hours and by propping with pillows side to side. Skin assessments should be preformed frequently on this patient to assess for breakdown. Patients with dementia may not be able to verbalize pain. When the daughter observed the redness, it should have been reported to the nurse in charge. Most CNA’s do not have the knowledge to assess the skin breakdown to know the proper treatment plan. The CNA cannot notify the physician to start proper treatment. By placing Mr. J on his back again with only increase the breakdown at a faster pace. If the nurses and other staff, were aware of the nursing sensitive indicators all of these above issues could have been avoided.
B. Quality Patient Care
Nurses spend most of their time at the patient’s bedside providing care. This provides nurses with the opportunity to play an active role in quality improvement. In the hospital I am employed at, we have a skin prevalence team. The team works closely with the wound care team.

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