Rosalind Franklyn Essay

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Title : Rosalind Franklin and her contribution to the understanding of the DNA structure Thesis Statement: Rosalind’s passion for science and her production of the X-ray diffraction proved valuable to the science of the DNA structure. Rosalind Franklin, quoted by author Brenda Maddox as “the dark lady of DNA”, was born on 25th of July 1920. The Franklin’s were not among the wealthiest from northern Europe, but she came from one of the oldest Jewish families in England. The Franklins were successful businessmen who were an important part of a network called “the Cousinhood”. The Franklin ancestry went from successful watchmakers to shopkeepers to publishers and Bankers. (Brenda Maddox, pp 3-4). ‘The Waley’s’; Rosalind’s antecedents on her mom’s side of the family were intellectual and professional. Rosalind’s maternal side of the family had been in England longer than the Franklins. Rosalind’s great grand-father Jacob Waley was first place in Mathematics and classics at University College London, and then he became a professor of Mathematics at University of London. Therefore; it’s no surprise that, in addition to chemistry and physics, Rosalind Performed excellent in Mathematics. Rosalind Franklin’s genetically passed on intelligence, and her persistence and dedication was detrimental to her success in contributing to the production of the clear X-Ray diffraction pattern. Rosalind’s passion for science and her production of the X-ray diffraction proved valuable to the science of the DNA structure. (Brenda Maddox, pg 5, Nelson 211). Rosalind Franklin had her formal education at St. Paul’s girl’s school and Cambridge University. At the age of 15, she knew that she wanted a career in science, despite the fact that in the 1930’s there was a great lacking of female role models in science. Rosalind said that she was “poorly taught at St. Pauls,

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