Role Of The Real Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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From the earliest stages of the novel Frankenstein, I was pressed with one question – “Who is the real monster, Victor Frankenstein, or his horribly mutated creation?” Victor Frankenstein was driven by most selfish ambitions. He discovered the secrets of life and kept them all to himself, an act of greed. And upon finding these secrets, through a hermit lifestyle of isolation and the pursuit of knowledge, he creates what is only to be known as the monster. The monster is a hideous yet intelligent and caring creature whom self-taught himself the language around him, only in order to interact socially with people and to seek approval from his creator. Only after being treated so poorly and outcast by every human he comes in contact with is Frankenstein’s monster driven to rage and vengeance. Victor Frankenstein’s actions throughout the novel prove…show more content…
From his entry into this world he is abandoned by his creator, and from then on he wishes only to seek revenge on Victor. However, he still shows compassion for human beings. He watches a poor family and learns their story from a distance. He is compelled to learn the language and wishes to seek their acceptance. However, the family rejects him based on outward appearance, before giving the monster a chance to speak. The monster also saves a girl from drowning, only to be attacked by a man who thought that he was attempting to hurt the girl, not save her. Upon realizing social interaction with humans will prove almost impossible, the monster beckons Victor to create for him a female companion. However, Victor breaks his promise to the monster, and he vows to seek revenge. All of these events coupled with the abandonment by his creator drive the monster to madness and rage against the human population, who he learns will never accept him due to his grotesque outward
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