The Monster Character Analysis

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The monster comes into the world by a pretty terrible set of circumstances. He has the strength of a giant, yet an infant mind. He has a gentle nature, yet his physical defects hide his goodness and make everyone fear and mistreat him. He is rejected by his own creator because of his hideous looks. His feelings are the most deep and moving of any character’s in this novel, as well as the most conflicted. To make matters more confusing, the monster is compared to both Adam and Satan in Paradise Lost. This may seem slightly unclear. The thing to keep in mind is that the idea at the core of the monster is his duality. His very complex duality. He is at once man in his pure state before the Fall (the Fall = evil), and yet the incarnation of evil itself (what with all his murdering and such). Hmm…this is starting to sound a little like Victor Frankenstein. Complex duality…conflicting characterization…could it be that the monster resembles his maker in his duality? Let’s talk about his name, and how it isn’t Frankenstein. This common mistake or mass ignorance is actually illuminating. Since the monster has no name of his own, he’s not quite an independent fellow. Instead, he’s tied to his creator. He is nothing without Victor. He is as much a part of Frankenstein as he is his own being. So we might as well call him "Frankenstein." This starts to get at the sob-fest at the end of the text. We, like every other reader, react something like this: "What? We thought Victor and the monster were enemies! What’s going on?" Exactly. What is going on? The monster may hate Victor, want to take vengeance on him, want to kill all his friends in gruesome and inhuman ways, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love the guy. Of course, the other reason the monster turns on the water works is that Victor was his last connection to humanity. If you hadn’t noticed, the monster is one

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