Role Of Foils In Hamlet

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Foils to Hamlet Foil is a mirror character of the protagonist, which has the similarities and differences with the protagonist at the same time. The attempt of foil characters is to highlight the traits of the protagonist, through the contrast of similarities and differences between the protagonists and foil characters, the readers and viewers would be able to get clear concept of the protagonist. Foils have also been used in one of the most successful plays of William Shakespeare, Hamlet. In this play, there are many different foil characters. Among them, Fortinbras, Laertes and Claudius are the most obvious foil characters to Hamlet. They all have to face similar situations as the crisis Hamlet needs to face, and yet, the decisions and…show more content…
Laertes’ father- Polonius is mistakenly killed by Hamlet. Therefore, at this point, Laertes has a similar situation as Hamlet. Laertes resolves to avenge his father’s death on Hamlet as Hamlet decides to avenge his father’s death on Claudius. However, the way they each avenge for their fathers’ death is opposite to one another. While Hamlet is self-conflicting with plans, Laertes is taking action immediately after he knows of his father’s murder. At the end of the play, the similarity between Hamlet and Laretes can be observed by the viewers as Hamlet says “I'll be your foil, Laertes: in mine ignorance your skill shall, like a star i' the darkest night, Stick fiery off indeed" (V.ii.5-7). Hamlet knows that they will be compared to one another in the future. Although Laertes is found to be greater for his courage to take action, Hamlet’s ability to make rational thoughts and planning has been highlighted from this…show more content…
And yet, Hamlet is similar to Claudius in some situations. The first similar situation is that they both question about why someone grieves so much upon one’s death. Claudius is asking Hamlet why he cares so much about his father`s death at the beginning of the play, ”How is it that the coulds still hand you up`` (I, ii, 67). Almost at the end of the play, hamlet has a similar situation as Claudius’. He asks Laertes a similar question, ``Make up my sum. What thou do for her?” (V, I, 281). The difference between Claudius and Hamlet is the reason that they bring up these two questions. The purpose of Claudius’ question is that he wants to use the suggestion therapy to tell Hamlet not to take revenge on him, but the reason Hamlet asks Laerte is based on his anger to Laerte’s emphasis on the grievance. The second difference that can be contrasted is the purpose of their acts of murder. The reason Claudius murders King Hamlet is because he longs for the throne of Denmark. On the other hand, Hamlet kills Claudius because he wishes to avenge for his father’s death. Therefore, the royalty and honesty within Hamlet’s personality can be brought out through these comparisons between him and
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