Rock N Roll Radio Analysis

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Stanley Baron's article Rock 'n' Roll Radio, and Race Relations indicates how R&B and Rock 'n' Roll made a difference to Racism and Americans demanded the sound of music.In the Article, Black American music was the source of being borrowed traditional music like Gospel , blues, and sad songs songs over slavery and racial injustice. A situation where while artist covered black hills. Artist like Elvis Presley was a man, white man who had negro sound and could make billions of dollars, said by Sam Phillips , founder of Sun Records.Elvis was the link to white people covering the music of African Americans in the 1950's. This caught the attention of a Clevend DJ, Alon Freed. Freed uncovered music and opened all types of music to the audience .…show more content…
She stated how she never heard about drive by shootings until she listened to these songs. Also in the clip it showed a man , a white man in his vehicle listening to gangster rap. He was asked why he like this kind of music and his answer was it should not matter if and who kind of music he listened to. Shown here , cultural nomogenization is significant in these two ways in Beyond Beats and Rhymes. The claim of dominace of prfit over artistry in relation to the film Dreamworlds 3 was the labels make these videos with artist surrounded by women revealing themselves explicity. The labels do this beacuse they know it will bring the audience attention and they will get more involved with that artist music and then by their music , making money these big record companies. The labels who have these women giving these viewers they desire. going turn the excitement to buy andmake these labels alot of money. Thus saying this , this is how dominace of profit over artistry is significant to Dreamworlds

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