Right To Bear Arms Case Study

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) What does the Constitution say about the right to bear arms? On the second amendment which guarantees to citizens the right to bear arms, if this bill did not exist , it would mean that people would not be able to keep firearms in their homes and be more safe in case of robbery or intrusion inside their properties and also make people feel more protected from people that want to harm their family or steal their belongings. 2) What is the Supreme Court's position on the Second amendment? The second amendment states: "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed ". The meaning of this sentence is not self-evidence, and has given rise to much commentary but…show more content…
This law is been an important factor keeping guns away from the people who shouldn't have them. James Brady was a giant, both in his ability to overcome the tragic shooting and then with his indomitable strength, force of character and morality. (Sen. Charles Schumer 2015). 4) Has the Second Amendment undergone the incorporation process? If not why not? The incorporation of the Bill of rights is the process by which American courts have applied portions of the United States Bill of rights to the States ( American goverment and politics today page 114) The second amendment is not incorporated because of precedent; also commented upon the use of selective incorporation doctrine. The seventh circuit wrote how the incorporation is hard to predict (fast.org). The seventh circuit stated that another theme stressed in the debate over incorporation is that the constitution establishes a federal republic where local differences are to be cherished as element of liberty rather than destroyed in order to produce a single nationally applicable rule. 434 words count
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