Returning to School Online vs on-Campus

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Adults Returning to School – Online vs. On Campus Ashley Hulan Com/170 April 10, 2012 Aerial Ellis Adults Returning to School – Online vs. On Campus Many adults think about returning to school on a daily basis. Many times the things that hold them back are having the extra time for such a commitment, already having to balance time between work and family, adding something else into the equation can be very stressful so anyone thinking of returning to school should weigh the pros and cons of each type of schooling to help determine where they should go. How does going back to school fit into your schedule at this time? Take a few minutes to think about your job. Think of every detail from your schedule to the amount of stress you have as a result of it. Do you feel that you will be able to work school into your schedule? Consider the possibilities of full and part time school and online learning versus on campus learning. Look into your options, an on campus facility such as Tennessee State University versus an online learning system such as University of Phoenix. Do research on each type of school to determine which will be the best for you, answer such questions as; which type will work best with my work schedule? Which will be easiest on my stress level as far as the timing between work and school? At which type of school will I be able to balance my school and work the best? Will I be able to keep my job from interfering with school? At which type of facility will it be easiest to keep school from interfering with my job? Looking in to each of these things will help in making the decision an easier one and ensure that you will be comfortable enough to start and complete the school of your choice. The main thing you need to be concerned about is your family. If you have children returning to school may be a very hard
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