Responsibilities of Different Levels of Governments

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Responsibilities of different levels of government in the UK. Central Government Central government main responsibilities are: * Health and safety: The Government provide health and safety by maintaining and improving the quality of the environment * Running the country: The Government controls the country, make decisions and solve all problems to control country smoothly. * Funding most of the country’s spending: The government spends money for a variety of reasons: For example: •Reduce inequality (welfare payments like unemployment benefit). •Provide public goods (fire, police, national defence) •Provide important public services like education and health (merit goods) •Debt interest payments. •Transport. •Military spending. * Drafting laws- This is process where new law is created, and then law are criticized by House of Commons and House of Lords, to check that new law can be used in country. * Defending the nation: The government protect the security, independence and interests of our country at home and abroad. Monarchy The Queen has some important roles, they are: * Advice and guidance to the Prime Minister: She talk with the prime minister every week, to find out the situation in country and to give him some advices if needed. * Openning each new session of Parliament: It is important, because it brings together the three elements of the legislature (the House of Commons, the House of Lords and The Queen). The ceremony therefore represents the Crown in Parliament. * Dissolving Parliament before a General Election: When parliament is dissolved, then people can vote for new ministers in parliament. * Final approval of laws: If government drafted new law, the queen is giving final approval European Union The role of the EU parliament is to draft legislation that has an impact across all the EU states on issues
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