Response to Rick Sa"Ntorum's "The Nuclear Family

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Grace Nguyen Professor Smithson English 250 13 February 2010 The Nuclear Family: What America Needs A traditional American family, consisting of a stable and loving environment with a married mother and father, is something that should be desired by all Americans; at least that is what former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum expresses in his book, It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good. Santorum served as a US Senator representing Pennsylvania from 1995- 2007 and is a known throughout America as a conservative spokesman regarding family issues. In the excerpt from his book he addresses many topics, such as: the correct environment for child rearing, same-sex marriages, divorce, and American tolerance to cohabitation before marriage. The family is the first point that Santorum covers. He starts out by saying that there is no argument as to what the best environment for raising a child is. Santorum states that the best place for child rearing is in a stable home with a mother and father because there is evidence that supports that children respond favorably to the atmosphere. Santorum informs the reader as to the difference in mentality between children raised in the environment he describes versus a child that may have been raised by a single parent. Many of the statistics he gives show that a child raised outside of a stable habitat has higher chances of illegal drug usage, teenage pregnancy, and emotional and behavioral issues. Do to the lack of commitment in modern relationships, divorce has become very prevalent in America. Santorum proposes that the main reason for the high rate of divorce is directly linked to the fact that husband and wife are more focused on making sure that they are happy as individuals, rather than on a family unit. This in turn, leaves the child feeling unloved and uncared for, in-turn leading to social issue. Living
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