Depression Among Latino Fathers

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Depression Among Latino Fathers Depression, is the last thing that comes to mind when thinking of illnesses that plague the Latino community especially that of Latino men. However, research has recently shown that there has been an increase in depression among hispanic men. Many new hispanic fathers are suffering from Paternal Depression within the first five years of their children’s lives. A recent study showed that there was a 68 percent increase of symptoms of depression among Latino fathers, especially younger men who were 25 years old or younger. Many factors, appear to be the cause of these sudden increases in depression. The most obvious being, the new sudden responsibility of having a brand new person to provide and care for. Especially, while juggling work, parenting, all while lacking sleep. Professor of Psychology Lisa Harvey states that “Having a child can also cause financial strain and difficulties in the couple’s relationship. All of these things can put parents at risk for becoming depressed.” Another cause, is the fact that the transition into parenting can be a very stressful time in a person’s life. This can be very worrisome as research has found that depressed fathers were most likely to neglect their children and resort to physical punishment towards their child. As well as, it being less likely that they will read and interact with their children on an academic level. In particular, it is troublesome among Latinos because there is the lack of Spanish speaking health care providers, for those latino fathers. As well as there is less information regarding Latinos and mental health, leading these men to be less likely to search out help. Depression is a common yet serious illness that affects about 19 million people in the United States. It can affect anyone including Latinos and can have serious repercussions. Yet it can be taken less

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