Response To George Orwell

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The English language is at a steady diminishing value. Many words can solely be described as over-complex and vague with respect to our modernized English writings. George Orwell elaborates on the idea of modernized English as he believes that the English language is beginning to constitute fewer words for the principal of their meanings and more writings are characterized as complex phrases compatible of being put together. The English language has become misunderstood due to technicalities. He states that there is no critical thinking involved with creating such vague and inconsistent “jargon” in texts because the over-complexity of the words involved with modernized English leaves the intention of the writing unclear. From the perspective of George Orwell, the modernized English style of writing is nothing more than a set of equivocal standards that we all adhere to. I agree with his essay regarding politics and English language. The lines between critical writing, professional, and political language have been blurred. We may attribute the deterioration of English writing with political language. Riddled with so many ambiguous statements, it is commonplace for political language to be written in modernized English. Political statements that are made offer no description of what the statement is truly about, but instead a large labyrinth of words. It is easier to deceive us when statements regarding politics are so vague. Instead of defining an issue, or explaining their intent, the statements they make are often misleading or unidentifiable. Political language is composed of professional and legal speak and give little insight to the meaning of any particular statement that is made. In relation to our modern world, the ability of being prone to write with good prose style of modernized English is situational. With respect to politics,
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