P6 Unit 4 Business Communication

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Task 3 (P6) To demonstrate your ability to communicate technical information to a specified audience, the manager at Right-On Recruitment has asked you to explain how spell checkers work and outline the risks of becoming too reliant on them when proofreading. Prepare the most appropriate form of communication and deliver it to your audience. Spell and grammar check: this is a useful tool used in any Microsoft software. Firstly, if you are unsure about a spelling you can open PowerPoint or Microsoft and check if you spelling is correct or incorrect. Is spelling and grammar always reliable? Spell check and grammar isn’t always reliable. When you make a spelling mistake in spelling and grammar you look for the correction straight away and you don’t learn how to spell it. You can also spell the word the correct way, however a different meaning. For example that piece of work was Wright, it should be that work was right, and spelling and grammar does not identify that mistake. Spelling and grammar mistakes can distract readers from the work that you put into your documents, so you want to eliminate these mistakes. Even so, you probably have your own preferences for how to use your Microsoft Office program to help you do this. You might prefer to check spelling all at once when you…show more content…
Spelling checkers cannot identify spelling errors that result in another legitimate word (e.g., “form” typed for “from”) and are hard to use on documents that contain numerous words (e.g., foreign terms) not entered in the incorporated dictionary. Grammar checkers—which also generally check punctuation, sentence length, and other aspects of style—have been criticized for their reliance on oversimplified
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