Research Paper On Alzheimer's

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Living with Alzheimer’s With the baby booming age rapidly growing older and people living longer lives there is a need to preserve health; specifically, a healthy mental capacity. Dementia related diseases such as Alzheimer’s has started to affect this group and cause an outpour of research being done to assist with the plagues of this disease. Alzheimer’s disease is defined as an illness that makes it hard for people to remember, think and use language. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most rapidly growing age-associated illnesses to plague the elderly community. Although Alzheimer’s most commonly affects people in the age range of 65-85, it is said that Alzheimer’s begins in the brain years or even decades before sufficient damage…show more content…
Alzheimer’s disease is a life changing disease that affects the individual living with the disease, as well as the families of these individuals. Therefore, it is imperative to delve deeper into a disease that is rapidly affecting the lives of the elderly. Some of the most important questions asked in research studies are: Who gets Alzheimer’s and what causes it? How does one care for a person for Alzheimer’s and what type of assistance is available to the caregivers? What options are available for families for end-of-life decisions? These along with many other questions are consistently being researched and answered and because of this constant research and increasingly popular disease is now becoming more tolerable and…show more content…
The Alzheimer’s association has made improving the quality of care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and expanding access to home and community based services top priorities. They have also endorsed several important pieces of pending legislation that will help with the rising cost of the caregiving system. Currently, there are seven out of ten people with Alzheimer’s disease living at home and families are in need of support with annual rising cost of health care needs. Although hope for Alzheimer’s seems bleak, there are still some strides that can be made. A better understanding of the disease, improved healthcare and treatment, and huge discoveries in science to delay the onset and prevention of the disease can lead to a future where Alzheimer’s is just a memory. There is a huge range of questions in the social and behavioral arenas that are ripe for research. If the answers to these questions were broadly applied, it would improve the daily lives of millions of people with Alzheimer’s and there
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