The Demand as a Register Nurse

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Many people obtain injuries and illnesses which may lead to seeking medical attention. A visit to the hospital or a medical office is the first step to take. This is when register nurses come into place to help these individuals. Register nurses provide health care to individuals, families, and communities. They provide services designed to prevent illness, promote health problems, and achieve optimal recovery from adaptation to health problems. The population has been increasing, and possibly means medical attention and care will increase as well. In the medical field much more nurses are needed and more job opportunities are opening. Nursing has dominated in areas in the workforce which involves nursing shortage, many opportunities to choose from, it is a recession-proof career, and the pay along with the benefits is great.
One of the advantages of becoming a registered nurse is based on the shortage. The problem of the nursing shortage is expected to intensify over the next fifteen years, due to the “baby boomers” are aging and with the elderly living longer, nurses will be even more in demand in the coming years. There is a steady decline in the availability of nurses as they go off the point into different occupations or do not even consider nursing as a career option. According to a report conducted by the Health Resources and Services Administration, thirty states are currently suffering due to a lack of nurses being able to fill positions. The overall look does not look promising for the state of health care in the United States. Currently there are over thousands unfilled nursing positions across the country, and by 2012 a number expected to reach is 1.1 million. Therefore, more new jobs are expected to be created for register nurses than for any other occupation. Many effects may occur in this situation, from students changing their major to adults already

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