Reptiles and Amphibians

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Advantages of reptiles over Amphibians Week7/8 Use the following website to answer/locate the following information. During what era did reptile and amphibians evolve? Paleozoic Era Period in which evolved? | Name and Features of animal | Reptile or amphibian | Picture | Devonian Times 390 Million Years Ago | Eusthenopteron“Land animal like features” * A more impervious skeleton * Enhanced nostril development * Leg like bone features in their fins | Amphibians | | Carboniferous Period & Permian Period 300,000,000 - 250,000,000 Years Ago | EryopsAmphibians become adapted to life on land * Amphibians nostrils became increasingly functional for breathing air * Amphibians evolved hands and feet with five digits * Amphibians tails become reduced in size * Amphibian backbones grow stronger – enables bodies to grow bigger * Amphibians obtain eardrums | Amphibians | | 300,000,000 – 200,000,000 Years Ago | Other Amphibians that lived during the Carboniferous and Permian times: * Microsaurs – lived in undergrowth in swamps * Aistopods – small snake like/diminished structure * Sauropleurs- elongated snake like animals with no legs * Diplocaulus - flattened body, head grew flatter as it aged, weak limbs | Amphibians | | Period in which evolved. | Features of animal | Reptile or amphibian | Picture | 325,000,000 – 250,000,000 | Amphibians started to evolve into reptilesSeymouria * Lived during Permian times * Connecting link between reptiles and amphibians * Skeleton resembled that of a reptile * Horny epidermis of overlapping scalesAnimals that lived in shallow waters evolved lungs and scales, soon after evolved legs, shelled eggs and the ability to breathe through nostrils with their mouth shut | Amphibians and Reptiles

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