Primate Anatomy And Behavior Essay

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Family:Hominidae Subfamily:Australopithecinae“Australopithecines” Subfamily:Homininae“Hominines” Genus: Sahelanthropus Genus: Orririn Genus: Homo Genus:Ardipithecus Genus: Australopithecus Genus: Kenyanthropus. The robust australopithecines, Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei, are distinguished by their huge chewing apparatus. The molars are broad, in some cases as large as a nickel. The sagittal crest on the top of the skull is a point of attachment for jaw muscles, which then pass under the broadly flaring cheekbones. It is apparent from their teeth and jaws that these species were specialized herbivores. They are generally regarded as a side branch which became extinct they date about 2.0 to 1.5 mya its cranial capacity is between…show more content…
1 describe what a hominid is, 2 describe diff between hominid and ape fossils, 3 describe problem. 1hominid: a member of the primate family hominid, distinguished by bipedal posture and in more recently evolved species large brain. 2The modern human dental arcade is shaped differently than an ape’s. the human tooth row forms a rounded parabolic arch reflecting the smaller anterior teeth and posterior teeth. early hominids tend to have smaller teeth also the thickness of the

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