Reflective Account Hsc24

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Evidence gathering form |Evidence no | | |Evidence date | | 1 Identify evidence type Direct observation Reflective account X Questions Expert witness Product Witness testimony |Candidate name |JOE WIGGINS | |Evidence: |Unit, Element, PCs |Knowledge | | | | | |Mr M is an elderly client who receives support with personal care. Two carers are assigned to this client as he can | | | |be very unstable when standing. | | | | | | | |I noticed whilst washing Mr M that he often seemed to have fresh bruising or abrasions. When I enquired of Mr M he | | | |seemed uncertain of how the bruising or abrasions had occurred. His family were also not very forthcoming with |HSC24.3.4 a, b, c. | | |information saying that he must have fallen but not being particularly explicit about where or when. On occasion | |HSC24.17 | |they could seem rather affronted that the question had been asked and seemed to be
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