Reflective Account For Classroom Roles

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My classroom roles are spread out over many years - not actually as a TA but on a voluntary basis (TA's or LSA's did not exist back in the day). I regurarly spent time with the infants listening to them read. I would take a small group of children and help them to catch up with their work (usually literacy as it is stronger than my numeracy skills). Quite often I would assist children who had not fully completed their homework or daily diary. I also did whatever the teacher asked me to do. More recently I took a group of children for a literacy task which involved them writing a letter to a friend promoting pottage (a tudor stew). The children had to inform their friend the reasons why pottage was so good and encourage them to try it for…show more content…
Communicate effectively and sensitively with pupils. Encourage good behaviour within the schools policy and procedures. Build and maintain successful relationships with pupils, treating them consistently . Demonstrate and promote the same positive values, attitudes and behaviour that are expected from pupils. Carry out all roles effectively and to seek help, advice or guidance when necessary. 2.1 & 2.2 Reflective pactice is important in anything I want to do well, it gives me the opportunity to look over what I have done. Anything that can be improved on and anything that worked well, taking notes physically and mentally and always looking for ways to improve. E.G. setting up a painting activity for the children thinking all the time, "what went well?", "what did not go so well?", "what could I change?", "why would I change it?", "would it create another problem if I did?", "would it be less of a problem if I changed things?".…show more content…
As well as reviewing my own development I know that I can rely on other colleageaues to help. If my weakness were for example to be lacking assertiveness, I would call on a colleague that I know to be more assertive than I. Alternatively it may be my colleague has weaknesses where I have strengths. This is where team work is important when we all pull together we can all be consistent. Numerous courses are always available relating to our work. Any one of us can take a course at any time concerning a particular area where we think we may be lacking certain attributes. 4.2 & 4.3 A good way to identify strengths and weaknesses is with our twice annually appraisals and we discuss sources of support. My supervisor, through discussion, will find ways of improving on weaknesses. This could involve extra training, specific courses, or through informal mentoring with more experienced colleagues. Informal mentoring can be more beneficial than the courses available as you can be shown ways to improve whilst carrying out your role on site and provide support when needed. Where feedback points out weaknesses alike they should be valued, we are all learning all the time and to improve is to target weaknesses and build on ones own strengths.

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