Recent Discoveries at Jamestown

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Charlie Doran 11/7/13 U.S. History 1 Recent Discoveries at Jamestown History serves to provide us with connections and memories of how life has been in the past. Our mistakes, our triumphs and what we can take from these things. Like many other parts of american history we can re-connect to the time when our countries first town was settled because of historic discoveries. We use the resources created for this endeavor to connect ourselves with historic events, specifically in this case, Jamestown. We can confirm our connections with Jamestown through ties between the humble beginnings of the nations first slave, to supposedly our nations most powerful person in current times, our President. We can make connections to Jamestown through findings we make today and build upon our knowledge of what life was like. Recent discoveries of family lineage and forensic data serve to confirm, revise and reconnect us to the History of Jamestown. “The President is most likely descended from one of the first documented African slaves in the United States” (New York Times Document C) Recent discoveries point towards evidence that say our current president, Barack Obama has ties to the first African slave John Punch. This is a relationship on his mothers side and though not all evidence is definitive, name origins, place of living and ethnicity support this finding. A powerful leader in our country has origins tracing back too Jamestown and the beginning of a very negative element in history for america. This relationship confirms our connection with Jamestown. A key element in preserving History and being able to prove findings at all is through revisions and re-connections. History can be a very subjective thing and many historical facts have changed over time based on new and more substantial evidence. When ancient philosophers thought the earth was in the center of the

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