Why Is John Smith A Threat

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Chambers, Davis, and Oxendine Coach Eason US History 10 1 April 2015 The Hunter and Its Prey Captain John Smith was an English adventurer, soldier, explorer, and author. He was famous for his role in the exploration of the New World; while in the making, he ran into the Powhatan princess, Pocahontas. Smith was responsible for the settlement and survival of Jamestown, England’s first permanent colony. He was known as America’s first hero and led expeditions across the New England coast. Smith was an advocate and promoter for bringing English men to America, thus fore he is important to American history. John Smith was born in 1579 or 1580 in Lincolnshire, England. After an apprenticeship, Smith decided a life of combat and served with…show more content…
Gosnold, and other important men in London organized the Virginia Company of London and were granted a charter by king James 1 on April 10, 1606 to establish a colony in Virginia. In December 1606, the company dispatched three ships carrying 104 settlers, including Captain Smith, to start this colony. Established on May 13, 1607, the colony was named Jamestown, in honor of the king. It became the first English settlement in North America and first of 13 English colonies that won independence from England and became the first 13 states of the United States of America. Jamestown’s fate hung in balance, for many years, and some historians credit Jamestown’s survival on the efforts of John Smith. The first months of Jamestown’s existence were very difficult do to food shortages, unhealthy drinking water, diseases, occasional skirmishing with the Powhatan Indians, and ineffectual council leadership do to bickering and the untimely death of Bartholomew Gosnold. In the fall, Smith conducted expeditions to the Powhatan villages securing food for the desperate colonist ("Captain John Smith is Saved by Pocahontas,…show more content…
Pocahontas was most famous for saving life of John Smith. By placing her head on his when father raised his war club to him. Smith was brought before an assembly over powerful chief Powhatan. Powhatan later sentenced him to be executed. Englishman was going to cubbled death but Pocahontas rushed forward and cradled smith’s head and beg for his life to be spared. Smith was wounded in October 1609, Pocahontas told John was died and loss contact with colonists. Pocahontas rescued Smith in December of 1607. He was being held in werowocomoco of the York River. Pocahontas found John as leading colonists, most attractive and developed liking for him. Caption Samuel kidnaped Pocahontas and wouldn’t release her until Powhatan released English prisoners. While she was on social visit and was held hostage over a year. Pocahontas was Indian princess and got
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