Recent Cinematic Adaptation Of Macbeth

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Recent Cinematic Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Macbeth: with reference to films by Welles, Polanski, Kurosawa and Bharadwaj Film adaptation is the transfer of a written work to a feature film. A common form of film adaptation is the use of a novel as the basis of a film, but film adaptations include the use of non-fiction, autobiography, comic book, scripture, plays and even other films. Adaptation can be a trnaspositional practice, casting a specific genre into another generic mode, an act of re-vision in itself. Adaptation can also constitute a simpler attempt to make texts ‘relevant’ or easily comprehensible, to new audiences and readerships via the processes of proximation and updating. Films sometimes use plays as their sources. William Shakespeare has been called the most popular screenwriter in Hollywood. We are likely to assume that any translation of a Shakespeare text into a ‘live’ dramatic form-theatrical performance, film adaptation, television production-will automatically constitute a progressive act. Shakespeare is so frequently adapted because he is a major author. There are also economic and legal factors: Shakespeare is helpfully outside copyright law as well as interesting to adapt. Shakespeare on screen gradually became part of the establishment, reflecting its growing academic respectability. Shakespeare on screen is now in its second century and the reasons why Shakespeare has so long been considered adaptable have been variously discussed. According to Robert Hamilton Ball, Shakespeare’s dramas were considered ideal material for cinema in the early 20th century because the presence of Shakespeare on film raised the contemporary estimation of film. A successful adaptation of Shakespeare must then convey an anxiety of influence (Adaptation form Text to Screen, Screen to Text) P 31) an awareness that the reproduction is both dependent on and
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