Reasons For Returning To School

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There are so many reasons that I have become motivated to continue my formal education and pursue my bachelor’s degree. I feel that I have a responsibility to myself, to my children, and even to God to be all that I can be. A few years ago I had an awe inspiring revelation of working with women in crisis situations. Mainly post abortion and loss of pregnancy. I had struggled for years with decisions that I had made as a young woman. I had felt powerless and walked around harboring feelings of guilt and anger for many, many years. Finally about 5 years after becoming a Christian I felt healed and free. It was at that time that God impressed onto my heart that someday I would be involved in some sort of crisis ministry involving women. Another motivator is my children. It is so incredibly important to me that my children see that anything is possible. They do not have to settle for whatever situation that they are in. There is always a way out if you try and don’t give up hope. I want this for myself! For too many years I have walked around with a horrible self-esteem, in fact my whole life. I have had multiple friends return to school to further their education in the last few years. I kind of felt left out, but the time was just not right yet. A couple of months ago, I just knew that the time to pursue my education had come. I had a total and complete peace about it. Yes, I was (and still am) scared out of my wits that I am going to fail, but even if I do, I know that I tried my best. I have no intention of giving up without a fight. The particular context that I feel motivates my learning is the practical context. I definitely believe in only filling my mind with useful information. I want whatever goes into my mind to have some sort of basis for bettering myself. I am very passionate about learning new things, unfortunately for me I have a hard time gaining

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